Many think that infertility is rare and only happens to older women, but infertility can affect ANYONE!
🔵1 out of 8 couples will have difficulty getting or staying pregnant.
🔵This number may seem high, likely because there are a lot of stigmas associated with the inability to get pregnant, so many couples keep their struggles private.
🔵A third of infertility is due to a female factor (blocked tubes, poor ovarian reserve, etc.), a third due to male factors (low or absent sperm, hormonal imbalances, etc.), and the last third is unexplained (all testing is normal, so we don’t know).
🔵If you are <35 and trying for 12 months, go see a doctor. If you are >35 and trying for 6 months, go see a doctor. If you have irregular cycles, uterine anomalies, or are >40, go see a doctor before you start.
🔵And remember, infertility is a disease and there are treatments to help you. We are here for you!