🔹About 75-80% of couples who are having unprotected regular intercourse will get pregnant in the first six months and 85-90% after one year of trying. ⁣⁣

🔹You should seek a medical evaluation for infertility if you are not pregnant after a year of trying. If you are over 35, you should do so at six months. ⁣

🔹If you are not tracking your periods and having intercourse during your fertile window, you should start doing so. Learn about when your fertile window is on my last post! ⁣⁣

🔹One caveat is that if you are having periods that are irregular, especially if your cycles are longer than 35 days, you may not be ovulating. Without ovulating, you cannot get pregnant. If this applies to you, I suggest you seek medical evaluation before trying as you may need to use medications to help you ovulate. ⁣⁣

🔹Also, if you have medical problems, see a doctor before you start trying to make sure your health is as good as it can be! ⁣