What are ovulation predictor kits, and should I use them?

¿Qué son los kits de predicción de la ovulación y debo usarlos?

🔵Ovulation predictor kits are commercially available at-home tests that can detect your LH (luteinizing hormone) surge, which happens about 36 hours prior to ovulation.⁣ 🔵The kits work by measuring your urine concentration of LH, which can be detected about 12 hours...
How common is infertility?

¿Qué tan común es la infertilidad?

Many think that infertility is rare and only happens to older women, but infertility can affect ANYONE!⁣ 🔵1 out of 8 couples will have difficulty getting or staying pregnant.⁣ 🔵This number may seem high, likely because there are a lot of stigmas associated with the...
What are my chances of getting pregnant naturally?

What are my chances of getting pregnant naturally?

🔹About 75-80% of couples who are having unprotected regular intercourse will get pregnant in the first six months and 85-90% after one year of trying. ⁣⁣ 🔹You should seek a medical evaluation for infertility if you are not pregnant after a year of trying. If you are...
When is my fertility window?

When is my fertility window?

The fertile window refers to the period of time when a woman is most likely to get pregnant if she engages in intercourse. The fertile window for most women is about 6 days long. On average, it includes the five days prior to ovulation and the day of ovulation. That...