Does Paternal Age Matter on IVF?

¿Importa la edad paterna en la FIV?

Many women are acutely aware that age is a big factor in their ability to get pregnant, but what about males?⁣ ⁣🥚 Unlike women’s ovaries which are born with a limited supply of eggs, the testicles can continuously produce sperm. Most men produce several million sperm...
Does age matter in IVF?

¿La edad importa en la FIV?

⏳ This is one of the most frequent but also hardest questions I get, both in the clinic and in my personal life. It’s not because it’s difficult to answer, but because it is cruel and hard to swallow. Age is one of the factors we cannot control as physicians, so we do...
Male infertility 101

Infertilidad masculina para principiantes

🧔🏽 30% of infertility cases are related to male factor infertility, that is, a cause of infertility related to the male partner. As fertility doctors, even though we often care for women directly, we are also trained to evaluate males. ⁣ 🔬 The first step in evaluating...